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Conference Program |
(Monday, 27th) |
Day 2
(Tuesday, 28th)
Day 3
(Wednesday, 29th) |
Day 4
30th) |
Day 5
(Friday, 31st) |
8:40-9:00 Opening Auditorium |
8:00-9:00 Women in MIR meeting Song Bo Room |
Tutorials 1/2
Chang Chin Room / Song Bo Room |
Oral Session (OS1) Auditorium |
Oral Session (OS4) Auditorium |
Oral Session (OS7) Auditorium |
MIREX session (oral) Auditorium |
Poster Session (PS1) Song Bo Room |
Poster Session (PS2) Song Bo Room |
Poster Session (PS3) Song Bo Room |
MIREX session (grand challenge) Auditorium |
13:00-14:30 Lunch Yuan-Yuan |
Lunch Grand Garden Restaurant |
Lunch Golden Dragon Restaurant |
Lunch Yuan Shan Club of Taipei |
MIREX session (poster) Song Bo Room |
Tutorials 3/4
Chang Chin Room / Song Bo Room |
Keynote Speech 1 Auditorium |
Keynote Speech 2 Auditorium |
Industrial Panel Auditorium |
Business Meeting Auditorium |
Oral Session (OS2) Auditorium |
Oral Session (OS5) Auditorium |
Oral Session (OS8) Auditorium |
Closing Auditorium |
Poster Session (PS1) Song Bo Room |
Poster Session (PS2) Song Bo Room |
Poster Session (PS3) Song Bo Room |
Lunch on your own |
Oral Session (OS3) Auditorium |
Oral Session (OS6) Auditorium |
Oral Session (OS9) Auditorium |
Late-Breaking /
Demo Session
Song Bo Room, Chang Chin Room |
Mixer Song Bo Room |
Unconfernece Auditorium, Chang Chin Room, Song Bo Room, the Grand VIP Room |
Reception Song Ying Room (1F) |
Concert Auditorium |
Banquet Kunlun Hall (12F) |
│ October 27, 2014 │ October 28, 2014 │ October 29, 2014 │ October 30, 2014 │ October 31, 2014 │
Monday October 27, 2014
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM Tutorials 1 & 2 [Chang Chin Room / Song Bo Room] |
Tutorial 1: "Why is Greek music interesting? Towards an ethics of MIR" by Andre Holzapfel and George Tzanetakis
Tutorial 2:"Musical structure analysis" by Meinard Mueller and Jordan Smith
01:00 AM - 02:30 PM Lunch [Yuan Yuan Restaurant] |
Only for people who register for both the morining and afternoon tutorials |
02:30 AM - 05:30 PM Tutorial 3 & 4 [Chang Chin Room / Song Bo Room] |
Tutorial 3: "Jingju music: concepts and computational tools for its analysis" by Rafael Caro Repetto, Ajay Srinivasamurthy, Sankalp Gulati and Xavier Serra
Tutorial 4: "MiningSuite, a comprehensive framework for music analysis, articulating audio (MIRtoolbox 2.0) and symbolic approaches" by Olivier Lartillot
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Reception [Song Ying Room (1F)] |
Tuesday October 28, 2014
08:40 AM - 09:00 AM Opening [Video] [Auditorium] |
09:00 AM - 10:20 AM Oral Session 1: Classification (OS1) [Auditorium] Chair: George Tzanetakis
(OS1-1) On Cultural, Textual and Experiential Aspects of Music Mood [Paper] [Video]
Abhishek Singhi and Daniel Brown
University of Waterloo
(OS1-2) Sparse Cepstral and Phase Codes for Guitar Playing Technique Classification [Paper] [Video]
Li Su, Li Fan Yu, Yi-Hsuan Yang
Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica
(OS1-3) Automated Detection of Single- and Multi-Note Ornaments in Irish Traditional Flute Playing [Paper] [Video]
Munevver Kokuer1, Peter Jancovic2, Islah Ali-MacLachlan1, Cham Athwal1
1Birmingham City University, 2University of Birmingham
(OS1-4) The Kiki-Bouba Challenge: Algorithmic Composition for Content-based MIR Research & Development [Paper] [Video]
Bob Sturm1 and Nick Collins2
1Aalborg University Copenhagen, 2Durham University |
10:20 AM - 12:00 PM & 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM Poster Session 1 (PS1) [Song Bo Room] Chair: Zhiyao Duan |
(PS1-1) Transfer Learning by Supervised Pre-training for Audio-based Music Classification [Paper] [Poster]
Aäron van den Oord, Sander Dieleman, Benjamin Schrauwen
Ghent University
(PS1-2) Estimating Musical Time Information from Performed MIDI Files [Paper] [Poster]
Harald Grohganz1, Michael Clausen1, Meinard Mueller2
1University of Bonn, 2International Audio Laboratories Erlangen
(PS1-3) Estimation of the Direction of Strokes and Arpeggios [Paper] [Poster]
Isabel Barbancho1, George Tzanetakis2, Lorenzo J. Tardon1, Peter F. Driessen2, Ana M. Barbancho1
1Universidad de Malaga, Andalucia Tech, ATIC Research Group,ETSI Telecomunicacion, Campus de Teatinos s/n, 29071 Malaga, SPAIN, 2University of Victoria. Department of Computer Science.Victoria, CANADA
(PS1-4) Predicting Expressive Dynamics in Piano Performances using Neural Networks [Paper] [Poster]
Sam van Herwaarden1, Maarten Grachten2, W. Bas de Haas3
1Austrian Research Institute for AI (OFAI), 2Austrian Research Institute for AI, 3Utrecht University
(PS1-5) An RNN-based Music Language Model for Improving Automatic Music Transcription [Paper] [Poster]
Siddharth Sigtia1, Emmanouil Benetos2, Srikanth Cherla2, Tillman Weyde2, Artur S. d'Avila Garcez2, Simon Dixon1
1Queen Mary University of London, 2City University London
(PS1-6) Towards Modeling Texture in Symbolic Data [Paper] [Poster]
Mathieu Giraud1, Florence Levé2, Florent Mercier1, Marc Rigaudière3, Donatien Thorez1
1LIFL, 2MIS, LIFL, 3Université de Lorraine
(PS1-7) Computational Models for Perceived Melodic Similarity in A Cappella Flamenco Singing [Paper] [Poster]
Nadine Kroher1, Emilia Gómez1, Catherine Guastavino2, Francisco Gómez-Martín3, Jordi Bonada4
1Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompue Fabra,2Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media & Technology, McGill University, 3School of Computer Science, Polytechnic University of Madrid, 4Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
(PS1-8) The VIS Framework: Analyzing Counterpoint in Large Datasets [Paper] [Poster]
Christopher Antila and Julie Cumming
McGill University
(PS1-9) Hierarchical Approach to Detect Common Mistakes of Beginner Flute PlayerS [Paper] [Poster]
Yoonchang Han and Kyogu Lee
Seoul National University
(PS1-10) Robust Joint Alignment of Multiple Versions of a Piece of Music [Paper] [Poster]
Siying Wang, Sebastian Ewert, Simon Dixon
Queen Mary University of London
(PS1-11) Formalizing the Problem of Music Description [Paper] [Poster]
Bob Sturm1, Rolf Bardeli2, Thibault Langlois3, Valentin Emiya4
1Aalborg University Copenhagen, 2Fraunhofer, 3 Lisbon University,4Aix-Marseille University
(PS1-12) An Association-based Approach to Genre Classification in Music. [Paper] [Poster]
Tom Arjannikov and John Z. Zhang
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lethbridge
(PS1-13) Multiple Viewpiont Melodic Prediction with Fixed-Context Neural Networks [Paper] [Poster]
Srikanth Cherla, Tillman Weyde, Artur d'Avila Garcez
City University London
(PS1-14) Verovio: A library for Engraving MEI Music Notation into SVG [Paper] [Poster]
Laurent Pugin1, Rodolfo Zitellini1, Perry Roland2
1Swiss RISM Office, 2University of Virginia
(PS1-15) Music Classification by Transductive Learning Using Bipartite Heterogeneous Networks [Paper] [Poster]
Diego Furtado Silva, Rafael Geraldeli Rossi, Solange Oliveira Rezende, Gustavo Enrique de Almeida Prado Alves Batista
(PS1-16) Automatic Melody Transcription based on Chord Transcription [Paper] [Poster]
Antti Laaksonen
University of Helsinki
(PS1-17) Audio-to-score Alignment at the Note Level for Orchestral Recordings [Paper] [Poster]
Marius Miron, Julio Jose Carabias-Orti, Jordi Janer
Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona
(PS1-18) A Compositional Hierarchical Model for Music Information Retrieval [Paper] [Poster]
Matevž Pesek1, Aleš Leonardis2, Matija Marolt1
1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of computer and information science, 2University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science
(PS1-19) An Analysis and Evaluation of Audio Features for Multitrack Music Mixtures [Paper] [Poster]
Brecht De Man1, Brett Leonard2, Richard King2, Joshua D. Reiss1
1Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London, 2The Graduate Program in Sound Recording, Schulich School of Music, McGill University; Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology
(PS1-20) Detecting Drops in Electronic Dance Music: Content based approaches to a socially significant music event [Paper] [Poster]
Karthik Yadati, Martha Larson, Cynthia C. S. Liem, Alan Hanjalic
Delft University of Technology
(PS1-21) Towards Automatic Content-Based Separation of DJ Mixes into Single Tracks [Paper] [Poster]
Nikolay Glazyrin
Ural Federal University
(PS1-22) MedleyDB: A Multitrack Dataset for Annotation-Intensive MIR Research [Paper] [Poster]
Rachel M. Bittner1, Justin Salamon1, Mike Tierney1, Matthias Mauch2, Chris Cannam2, Juan P. Bello1
1New York University, 2Queen Mary University
(PS1-23) Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Audio of Western Opera: A Method based on Detection of the Singer's Formant [Paper] [Poster]
Zheng Tang1 and Dawn A. A. Black2
1University of Washington, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2Queen Mary University of London, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
(PS1-24) Codebook-based Scalable Music Tagging with Poisson Matrix Factorization [Paper] [Poster]
Dawen Liang, John Paisley, Dan Ellis
Columbia University |
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM Keynote Speech 1: Axel Roebel (Automatic Music Transcription: From Music Signals to Music Scores) [Video1, Video2] [Auditorium] Chair: Li Su |
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM Oral Session 2: Transcription (OS2) [Auditorium] Chair: Emilia Gomez |
(OS2-1) Template Adaptation for Improving Automatic Music Transcription [Paper] [Video]
Emmanouil Benetos1, Roland Badeau2, Tillman Weyde1, Gaël Richard2
1City University London, 2Télécom ParisTech
(OS2-2) Note-level Music Transcription by Maximum Likelihood Sampling [Paper] [Video]
Zhiyao Duan and David Temperley
University of Rochester
(OS2-3) Drum Transcription via Classification of Bar-Level Rhythmic Patterns [Paper] [Video]
Lucas Thompson, Simon Dixon, Matthias Mauch
Queen Mary University of London |
04:30 PM - 06:10 PM Oral Session 3: Symbolic (OS3) [Auditorium] Chair: Frans Wiering |
(OS3-1) Developing Tonal Perception through Unsupervised Learning [Paper] [Video]
Carlos Eduardo Cancino Chacón, Stefan Lattner, Maarten Grachten
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
(OS3-2) Exploiting Instrument-wise Playing/Non-Playing Labels for Score Synchronization of Symphonic Music [Paper] [Video]
Alessio Bazzica, Cynthia C. S. Liem, Alan Hanjalic
Delft University of Technology
(OS3-3) Multi-Strategy Segmentation of Melodies [Paper]
Marcelo Rodríguez-López, Anja Volk, Dimitrios Bountouridis
Utrecht University
(OS3-4) A Data Set for Computational Studies of Schenkerian Analysis [Paper] [Video]
Phillip Kirlin
Rhodes College
(OS3-5) Systematic Multi-scale Set-class Analysis [Paper] [Video]
Agustín Martorell and Emilia Gómez
Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
Wednesday October 29, 2014
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM Women in MIR meeting [Song Bo Room] Chair: Jin Ha Lee |
Join us for connecting with other female researchers and discussing issues related to women in MIR. Men are welcome too!
09:00 AM - 10:20 AM Oral Session 4: Retrieval (OS4) [Auditorium] Chair: Hirokazu Kameoka |
(OS4-1) Spotting a Query Phrase from Polyphonic Music Audio Signals Based on Semi-supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization [Paper] [Video]
Taro Masuda1, Kazuyoshi Yoshii2, Masataka Goto3, Shigeo Morishima1
1Waseda University, 2Kyoto University, 3National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
(OS4-2) Bayesian Audio Alignment based on a Unified Model of Music Composition and Performance [Paper] [Video]
Akira Maezawa1, Katsutoshi Itoyama2, Kazuyoshi Yoshii2, Hiroshi Okuno3
1Kyoto University; Yamaha Corporation, 2Kyoto University, 3Waseda University
(OS4-3) Automatic Set List Identification and Song Segmentation for Full-Length Concert Videos [Paper] [Video]
Ju-Chiang Wang1, Ming-Chi Yen2, Yi-Hsuan Yang2, Hsin-Min Wang2
1UCSD, 2Academia Sinica
(OS4-4) On Inter-rater Agreement in Audio Music Similarity [Paper] [Video]
Arthur Flexer
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence |
10:20 AM - 12:00 PM & 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM Poster Session 2 (PS2) [Song Bo Room] Chair: Matthias Mauch |
(PS2-1) Emotional Predisposition of Musical Instrument Timbres with Static Spectra [Paper] [Poster]
Bin Wu1, Andrew Horner1, Chung Lee2
(PS2-2) Panako - A Scalable Acoustic Fingerprinting System Handling Time-Scale and Pitch Modification [Paper] [Poster]
Joren Six and Marc Leman
Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music (IPEM), Department of Musicology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
(PS2-3) Perceptual Analysis of the F-Measure to Evaluate Section Boundaries in Music [Paper] [Poster]
Oriol Nieto1, Morwaread Farbood1, Tristan Jehan2, Juan Pablo Bello1
1New York University, 2The Echo Nest
(PS2-4) Keyword Spotting in A-capella Singing [Paper] [Poster]
Anna Kruspe
Fraunhofer IDMT
(PS2-5) The Importance of F0 Tracking in Query-by-singing-humming [Paper] [Poster]
Emilio Molina, Lorenzo J. Tardón, Isabel Barbancho, Ana M. Barbancho
Universidad de Málaga
(PS2-6) Vocal Separation using Singer-Vowel Priors Obtained from Polyphonic Audio [Paper] [Poster]
Shrikant Venkataramani1, Nagesh Nayak2, Preeti Rao1, Rajbabu Velmurugan1
1Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2SensiBol Audio Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
(PS2-7) Improving Query by Tapping via Tempo Alignment [Paper] [Poster]
Chun-Ta Chen1, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang2, Chun-Hung Lu3
1cs nthu, 2cs ntu, 3Innovative Digitech-Enabled Applications & Services Institute (IDEAS), Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan
(PS2-8) Automatic Instrument Classification of Ethnomusicological Audio Recordings [Paper] [Poster]
Dominique Fourer, Jean-Luc Rouas, Pierre Hanna, Matthias Robine
LaBRI, University of Bordeaux
(PS2-9) Music Analysis as a Smallest Grammar Problem [Paper] [Poster]
Kirill Sidorov, Andrew Jones, David Marshall
Cardiff University
(PS2-10) Frame-Level Audio Segmentation for Abridged Musical Works [Paper] [Poster]
Thomas Praetzlich and Meinard Mueller
International Audio Laboratories Erlangen
(PS2-11) Creating a Corpus of Jingju (Beijing Opera) Music and Possibilities for Melodic Analysis [Paper] [Poster]
Rafael Caro Repetto and Xavier Serra
Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
(PS2-12) Modeling Temporal Structure in Music for Emotion Prediction using Pairwise Comparisons [Paper] [Poster]
Jens Madsen, Bjørn Sand Jensen, Jan Larsen
Technical University of Denmark
(PS2-13) Musical Structural Analysis Database Based on GTTM [Paper] [Poster]
Masatoshi Hamanaka1, Keiji Hirata2, Satoshi Tojo3
1Kyoto University, 2Future University Hakodate, 3JAIST
(PS2-14) Theoretical Framework of A Computational Model of Auditory Memory for Music Emotion Recognition [Paper] [Poster]
Marcelo Caetano1 and Frans Wiering2
1INESC TEC, 2Utrecht University
(PS2-15) Improving Music Structure Segmentation using lag-priors [Paper] [Poster]
Geoffroy Peeters and Victor Bisot
(PS2-16) Study of the Similarity between Linguistic Tones and Melodic Pitch Contours in Beijing Opera Singing [Paper] [Poster]
Shuo Zhang, Rafael Caro Repetto, Xavier Serra
Music Technology Group, University Pompeu Fabra
(PS2-17) A Proximity Grid Optimization Method to Improve Audio Search for Sound Design [Paper] [Poster]
Christian Frisson, Stéphane Dupont, Willy Yvart, Nicolas Riche, Xavier Siebert, Thierry Dutoit
University of Mons, numediart Institute
(PS2-18) Introducing a Dataset of Emotional and Color Responses to Music [Paper] [Poster]
Matevž Pesek1, Primož Godec1, Mojca Poredoš1, Gregor Strle2, Jože Guna1, Emilija Stojmenova1, Matevž Poga nik1, Matija Marolt1
1University of Ljubljana, 2Scientfic Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
(PS2-19) In-depth Motivic Analysis based on Multiparametric Closed Pattern and Cyclic Sequence Mining [Paper] [Poster]
Olivier Lartillot
Aalborg University
(PS2-20) MIR_EVAL: A Transparent Implementation of Common MIR Metrics [Paper] [Poster]
Colin Raffel1, Brian McFee1, Eric J. Humphrey2, Justin Salamon2, Oriol Nieto2, Dawen Liang2, Daniel P. W. Ellis1
1Columbia University, 2New York University
(PS2-21) Computational Modeling of Induced Emotion Using GEMS [Paper] [Poster]
Anna Aljanaki, Frans Wiering, Remco C. Veltkamp
Utrecht University
(PS2-22) Cognition-inspired Descriptors for Scalable Cover Song Retrieval [Paper] [Poster]
Jan Van Balen, Dimitrios Bountouridis, Frans Wiering, Remco Veltkamp
Utrecht University
(PS2-23) A Cross-Cultural Study on the Mood of K-POP Songs [Paper] [Poster]
Xiao Hu1, Jin Ha Lee2, Kahyun Choi3, J. Stephen Downie3
1University of Hong Kong, 2University of Washington, 3University of Illinois
(PS2-24) Cadence Detection in Western Traditional Stanzaic Songs using Melodic and Textual Features [Paper] [Poster]
Peter Van Kranenburg and Folgert Karsdorp
Meertens Institute, Amsterdam
(PS2-25) Discovering Typical Motifs of a Raga from One-Liners of Songs in Carnatic Music [Paper] [Poster]
Shrey Dutta and Hema A Murthy
IIT Madras |
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM Keynote Speech 2: Ye Wang (Sound and Music Computing for Exercise and (Re-)habilitation) [Video1, Video2, Video3] [Auditorium] Chair: Ju-Chiang Wang |
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM Oral Session 5: Structure (OS5) [Auditorium] Chair: Meinard Mueller |
(OS5-1) Analyzing Song Structure with Spectral Clustering [Paper] [Video]
Brian McFee and Dan Ellis
Columbia University
(OS5-2) Identifying Polyphonic Musical Patterns From Audio Recordings Using Music Segmentation Techniques [Paper] [Video]
Oriol Nieto and Morwaread Farbood
New York University
(OS5-3) Boundary Detection in Music Structure Analysis using Convolutional Neural Networks [Paper] [Video]
Karen Ullrich, Jan Schlüter, Thomas Grill
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) |
04:30 PM - 05:10 PM Oral Session 6: Cultures (OS6) [Auditorium] Chair: Anja Volk |
(OS6-1) Tracking the "Odd": Meter Inference in a Culturally Diverse Music Corpus [Paper] [Video]
Andre Holzapfel1, Florian Krebs2, Ajay Srinivasamurthy3
1New York University Abu Dhabi, 2Johannes Kepler University, 3Universitat Pompeu Fabra
(OS6-2) Transcription and Recognition of Syllable based Percussion Patterns: The Case of Beijing Opera [Paper] [Video]
Ajay Srinivasamurthy1, Rafael Caro Repetto1, Harshavardhan Sundar2, Xavier Serra1
1Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India |
05:10 PM - 06:00 PM Mixer [Song Bo Room] Chair: Eric Humphrey |
We are excited to announce that this year's ISMIR will also feature a conference mixer! It will be held on Wednesday, October 29th from 5:10-6:00PM at the conference hotel. Similar in spirit to other speed networking events, the goal of the mixer is two-fold: to connect researchers with similar interests in a relaxed setting, and to help those new to ISMIR meet and mingle with more established members of the community. Therefore, if this is your first ISMIR, this is definitely for you!
In order to plan appropriately and help everyone make the right connections, we are asking that all attendees RSVP by October 29th via the following Google form: http://goo.gl/forms/lXOBj3lcsW
07:00 PM - 10:00 PM Concert [Auditorium] Chair: Jeff Huang |
Thursday October 30, 2014
09:00 AM - 10:20 AM Oral Session 7: Recommendation & Listeners (OS7) [Auditorium] Chair: Markus Schedl |
(OS7-1) Taste Space Versus the World: an Embedding Analysis of Listening Habits and Geography [Paper] [Video]
Joshua Moore1, Thorsten Joachims1, Douglas Turnbull2
1Cornell University, 2Ithaca College
(OS7-2) Enhancing Collaborative Filtering Music Recommendation by Balancing Exploration and Exploitation [Paper] [Video]
Zhe Xing, Xinxi Wang, Ye Wang
School of Computing, National University of Singapore
(OS7-3) Improving Music Recommender Systems: What Can We Learn from Research on Music Tastes [Paper] [Video]
Audrey Laplante
Université de Montréal
(OS7-4) Social Music in Cars [Paper] [Video]
Sally Jo Cunningham, David M. Nichols, David Bainbridge, Hassan Ali
Waikato University |
10:20 AM - 12:00 PM & 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM Poster Session 3 (PS3) [Song Bo Room] Chair: Audrey Laplante |
(PS3-1) A Combined Thematic and Acoustic Approach for a Music Recommendation Service in TV Commercials [Paper] [Poster]
Mohamed Morchid, Richard Dufour, Georges Linares
LIA - University of Avignon
(PS3-2) Are Poetry and Lyrics All That Different [Paper] [Poster]
Abhishek Singhi and Daniel Brown
University of Waterloo
(PS3-3) Singing-Voice Separation from Monaural Recordings using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks [Paper] [Poster]
Po-Sen Huang, Minje Kim, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Paris Smaragdis
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(PS3-4) Impact of Listening Behavior on Music Recommendation [Paper] [Poster]
Katayoun Farrahi1, Markus Schedl2, Andreu Vall2, David Hauger2, Marko Tkalcic2
1Goldsmiths, University of London, 2Johannes Kepler University
(PS3-5) Towards Seamless Network Music Performance: Predicting an Ensemble's Expressive Decisions for Distributed Performance [Paper] [Poster]
Bogdan Vera and Elaine Chew
Queen Mary, University of London
(PS3-6) Detection of Motor Changes in Violin Playing by EMG Signals [Paper] [Poster]
Ling-Chi Hsu1, Yu-Lin Wang1, Yi-Ju Lin1, Cheryl D. Metcalf2, Alvin W.Y. Su1
1Department of CSIE, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, 2Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
(PS3-7) Automatic Key Partition Based on Tonal Organization Information of Classical Music [Paper] [Poster]
Wang Kong Lam and Tan Lee
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(PS3-8) Bayesian Singing-Voice Separation [Paper] [Poster]
Po-Kai Yang, Chung-Chien Hsu, Jen-Tzung Chien
National Chiao Tung University
(PS3-9) Probabilistic Extraction of Beat Positions from a Beat Activation Function [Paper] [Poster]
Filip Korzeniowski, Sebastian Böck, Gerhard Widmer
Department of Computational Perception, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
(PS3-10) Geographical Region Mapping Scheme Based on Musical Preferences [Paper] [Poster]
Sanghoon Jun1, Seungmin Rho2, Eenjun Hwang1
1Korea University, 2Sungkyul University
(PS3-11) On Comparative Statistics for Labelling Tasks: What can We Learn from MIREX ACE 2013 [Paper] [Poster]
John Ashley Burgoyne1, Bas de Haas2, Johan Pauwels3
1Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2Universiteit Utrecht, 3 STMS IRCAM-CNRS-UPMS
(PS3-12) Merged-Output HMM for Piano Fingering of Both Hands [Paper] [Poster]
Eita Nakamura1, Nobutaka Ono1, Shigeki Sagayama2
1National Institute of Informatics, 2Meiji University
(PS3-13) Modeling Rhythm Similarity for Electronic Dance Music [Paper] [Poster]
Maria Panteli1, Niels Bogaards2, Aline Honingh1
1Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 94242, 1090 GE Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Elephantcandy, Rapenburg 91c, 1011 TW Amsterdam, Netherlands
(PS3-14) MuSe: A Music Recommendation Management System [Paper] [Poster]
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Thomas Hornung, Alexander Schätzle, Sven Gau , Io Taxidou, Georg Lausen
University of Freiburg
(PS3-15) Tempo- and Transposition-invariant Identification of Piece and Score Position [Paper] [Poster]
Andreas Arzt, Gerhard Widmer, Reinhard Sonnleitner
Johannes Kepler University
(PS3-16) Gender Identification and Age Estimation of Users Based on Music Metadata [Paper] [Poster]
Ming-Ju Wu1, Jyh-Shing Jang2, Chun-Hung Lu3
1National Tsing Hua University, 2National Taiwan University, 3Innovative Digitech-Enabled Applications & Services Institute (IDEAS), Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan
(PS3-17) Information-Theoretic Measures of Music Listening Behaviour [Paper] [Poster]
Daniel Boland and Roderick Murray-Smith
School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
(PS3-18) Evaluation Framework for Automatic Singing Transcription [Paper] [Poster]
Emilio Molina, Ana M. Barbancho, Lorenzo J. Tardón, Isabel Barbancho
Universidad de Málaga
(PS3-19) What is the Effect of Audio Quality on the Robustness of MFCCs and Chroma Features [Paper] [Poster]
Julián Urbano, Dmitry Bogdanov, Perfecto Herrera, Emilia Gómez, Xavier Serra
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
(PS3-20) Music Information Behaviors and System Preferences of University Students in Hong Kong [Paper] [Poster]
Xiao Hu1, Jin Ha Lee2, Leanne Ka Yan Wong1
1University of Hong Kong, 2University of Washington
(PS3-21) LyricsRadar: A Lyrics Retrieval System Based on Latent Topics of Lyrics [Paper] [Poster]
Shoto Sasaki1, Kazuyoshi Yoshii2, Tomoyasu Nakano3, Masataka Goto3, Shigeo Morisihima1
1Waseda University, 2Kyoto University, 3National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
(PS3-22) JAMS: A JSON Annotated Music Specification for Reproducible MIR Research [Paper] [Poster]
Eric J. Humphrey, Justin Salamon, Oriol Nieto, Jon Forsyth, Rachel M. Bittner, Juan P. Bello
(PS3-23) On The Changing Regulations of Privacy and Personal Information in MIR [Paper] [Poster]
Pierre Saurel1, Francis Rousseaux2, Marc Danger3
1Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2IRCAM, 3ADAMI
(PS3-24) A Multi-model Approach to Beat Tracking Considering Heterogeneous Music Styles [Paper] [Poster]
Sebastian Böck, Florian Krebs, Gerhard Widmer
Johannes Kepler University
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM Industrial Panel [Auditorium] Chair: Brian Mcfee |
Panelists: Amelie Anglade (Senzari), Andreas Ehmann (Pandora), Avery Wang (Shazam), Lei Wang (Doreso)
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM Oral Session 8: Source Separation (OS8) [Auditorium] Chair: Kazuyoshi Yoshii |
(OS8-1) Extending Harmonic-Percussive Separation of Audio Signals [Paper] [Video]
Jonathan Driedger1, Meinard Mueller1, Sascha Disch2
1International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
(OS8-2) Singing Voice Separation Using Spectro-Temporal Modulation Features [Paper] [Video]
Frederick Yen1, Yin-Jyun Luo1, Tai-Shih Chi2
1Master Program of Sound And Music Innovative Technologies, 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C.
(OS8-3) Harmonic-Temporal Factor Decomposition Incorporating Music Prior Information for Informed Monaural Source Separation [Paper] [Video]
Tomohiko Nakamura1, Kotaro Shikata1, Norihiro Takamune1, Hirokazu Kameoka2
1The University of Tokyo, 2The University of Tokyo/ NTT CS Lab.
04:30 PM - 05:50 PM Oral Session 9: Rhythm & Beat (OS9) [Auditorium] Chair: Andre Holzapfel |
(OS9-1) Design And Evaluation of Onset Detectors using Different Fusion Policies [Paper] [Video]
Mi Tian, György Fazekas, Dawn A. A. Black, Mark Sandler
Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London
(OS9-2) Evaluating the Evaluation Measures for Beat Tracking [Paper] [Video]
Matthew Davies1 and Sebastian Böck2
1INESC TEC, 2Johannes Kepler University
(OS9-3) Improving Rhythmic Transcriptions via Probability Models Applied Post-OMR [Paper] [Video]
Maura Church1 and Michael Scott Cuthbert2
1Harvard University & Google Inc., 2MIT, Music and Theater Arts
(OS9-4) Classifying EEG Recordings of Rhythm Perception [Paper] [Video]
Sebastian Stober, Daniel J. Cameron, Jessica A. Grahn
Brain and Mind Institute, Western University, Canada |
06:30 PM - 09:00 PM Banquet [Kunlun Hall (12F)] |
Friday October 31, 2014
09:00 AM - 09:40 AM MIREX Oral Session [Auditorium] Chair: J. Stephen Downie |
(MOS) Ten Years of MIREX (Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange): Reflections, Challenges and Opportunities [Paper] [Video]
J. Stephen Downie1, Xiao Hu2, Jin Ha Lee3, Kahyun Choi1, Sally Jo Cunningham4, Yun Hao1
1University of Illinois, 2University of Hong Kong, 3University of Washington, 4University of Waikato |
09:40 AM - 10:20 AM MIREX Grand Challenge [Video] [Auditorium] |
10:20 AM - 11:40 AM MIREX Poster Session [Song Bo Room] |
11:40 AM - 12:40 PM Business Meeting [Video] [Auditorium] |
12:40 PM - 01:00 PM Closing [Video] [Auditorium] |
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM Late-breaking and Demo Session [Song Bo Room, Chang Chin Room] |
03:30 PM - 06:00 PM Unconference [Auditorium, Song Bo Room, Chang Chin Room, the Grand VIP Room] |