Paper Submissions
- Submitted papers must be no more than six pages long and must consist of original contributions.
- Submit your paper in PDF format according to one of the following templates: ISMIR 2014 LaTeX and Word Template Packages.
- Submit your formatted paper on (left column "For Authors", choose "click here to make a new submission")
About Deadline Extension
There will be no extension to the paper submission deadline (May 2nd). However, authors of registered papers on May 2nd will be allowed to upload new versions of their papers (in PDF format) until May 9th (23h59 American Samoa timezone). No other changes will be possible (i.e. authors will not be able to change title, abstract, authors, keywords/topics, or other metadata). No submission of new papers will be possible after May 2nd.
On The Reviewing Process
All papers will be peer-reviewed according to their
- novelty
- scholarly/scientific quality
- appropriateness of topic
- importance
- readability and paper organization
In ISMIR2014 reviews will be double blind; that is, authors and reviewers will be anonymous to each other. To ensure this please keep the author list "from" appearing in the text and avoid excessive reference to your own work.
Camera-Ready Submissions
- Submit your paper in PDF format according to one of the following templates: ISMIR 2014 LaTeX and Word Template Packages.
- Please note that for Word template users, the authors will need to insert the appropriate author name(s) and the title of paper inside the copyright notice.
- Submit your formatted paper on (left column "For Authors")